Humankind 4x strategy will receive an addition to the “Culture of Oceania” on September 11

Humankind 4x strategy will receive an addition to the “Culture of Oceania” on September 11

The complement of the “Oceani Culture” for the 4x strateg Humankind will be released on September 11, along with a large free update of Bonny Patch, aimed at improving the marine gameplay, trade and management of resources. As an additional bonus, the authors will also add a special free culture – “Pirates of the Caribbean”, available to all owners of the game.

Humankind is a step -by -step historical strategy in which players unite cultures of different eras to create civilization, as unique as they themselves. Oceania and Bonny update will bring the total number of game crops to 86. These are millions of ways to configure your gameplay.

6 new crops:

  • Era 1-Pama-Negangan (esthetes). In Pama-Nungani, groups spoke, which spread in most of the territory of Australia, starting from the era of the Middle Holocene. Native speakers of the Pama-Nungan language brought not only their languages ​​and a social organization, but also new cultural and artistic practices as they took the roots.
  • Era 2 – Polynesians (expansionists). Over the past centuries of the first millennium BC, a triangle formed by the islands of Tonsa, Samoa and Uvea was the place of the origin of Polynesian culture. In these vast expanses of the ocean, the Polynesians developed innovative navigation methods, with the help of which they intended to conquer the Pacific Ocean.
  • Era 3-Rapa Nui (builders)-Rapa-nui colonized Easter Island around the 1100s. In this isolated territory, they managed to overcome difficult conditions of survival, use the bowels of the Earth and cover their territory with monumental statues and ceremonial structures.
  • Era 4-Maori (militarists)-the population of Maori mostly settled on those Ika-A-Maui, Northern Island. Here they built a prosperous and complex society structured from clans and large families, whose bonds of solidarity were supported through conflicts and wars.
  • Era 5 – Hawaiians (agrarians). Starting from the end of the 1700s, the Hawaiian society entered during the period of deep changes. The political association and expansion of contacts with foreign cultures was changed by their very stratified systems, even though the Hawaiians continued to dispose of the gifts of land and sea.
  • Era 6-New Zealanders (scientists)-in the 1940s and 1950s, New Zealand accelerated its departure from the British imperial structure. In the next decades, its leaders expanded the social model inherited from the governments of Sedundon and Savij, and also invested in technologies that ensure the country’s energy independence.
  • Ulus
  • Laguna Aitatia
  • Range Bangl Bangl
  • Vakaari volcano
  • Royal Palace Papaet
  • Mauna Kaa Observatory

Plus 7 independent peoples, 15 new plot events, new intra -game thematic musical tracks written by Arno Roem.